Just a quick reflection of the past year. I shot the most weddings this year for my business, photographing four. It’s not a lot but it’s not about the number! It’s about the experience I can give to my clients. I will be second shooting A LOT this year too. I have 9 second shooting jobs lined up this year. 3 down 6 more to go! It’s so much fun working with other photographers, it’s a great experience and you learn from one another. Looking forward to being busy this Fall!
I’ve been struggling this year with working full time and giving my business more of the attention that it deserves. I was able to invest a lot into my business this year. The first investment was a virtual facelift for my website! I have some before and after photos included below. It’s so refreshing to me because I can now say here is my website www.jenaraya.com and be really proud of how far my business has come.
I’ve also added a new blog, even if the old one didn’t even really exist so there aren’t any before pictures……I am actively trying to blog more though, especially in the last five to six months. I always dreaded it, but I’ve started working on the content during lunch breaks. This has been very helpful to my business, and lets me enjoy some more time with my husband at home. Thank you for my husband who proofreads ALL of my blog posts. Poor guy lol! I’ve recently been enjoying writing which is a first for me. I just hope I don’t run out of ideas to talk about.
Enjoy before and after shots of my new website.
The beautiful view of the new blog.
Of course I had to put in some out-takes of my selfie photo lol. You can tell it was early morning because of my sleepy eye.
So pretty!!!
I’d also like to introduce you to some new family members to Jen Araya Photography. I have purchased 2 new lenses this year. Introducing…..drum roll please…….
The EF Canon 35mm f/1.4 USM AutoFocus Wide Angle Lens It’s a nice wide angle lens that I like to use for at least a couple photos of the ceremony. Most importantly when I’m in small rooms and need to get that certain perfect angle.
I also added the Canon RF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM AutoFocus Telephoto Zoom Lens. This year I had noticed that I was a lot closer to the bride and groom than I wanted to be during the ceremony. I don’t ever want to be a distraction during the ceremony, and this lens will certainly help. I was using my 100 Macro to get those closer shots, and now I can stand back a little bit more and not be in the way.
Welcome to the family!
The before & after photos look great! Congratulations on three years!