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February 17, 2015

Our Utah Ski Adventure

Unfortunately another snow storm had to push back our ski vacation.  Luckily our jobs were understanding and we were only delayed a day.  We adjusted our vacation and then we were jet-setters on our way to Park City, Utah for our ski adventure!   My husband has friends who live in that area whom we were fortunate to stay with.  A HUGE thank you to our friends Kary & Eric for being more than gracious hosts, and hello to their girls. Thank you to Enterprise as well,  for the sweet free upgrade from a sedan to a huge SUV Suburban.

During our ski adventure, we skied 4 days in a row starting at PCMR (Park City Mountain Resort) and then had 2 beautiful days in a row at Deer Valley (my favorite).  We saved the best for last, skiing at a harder mountain which was on my bucket list: Snowbird.  Check that bucket list item off!  Each resort was different and unique.  I was able to ski in a way I never knew I could.  I can now say I’m an official skier!

Here are some pics from our trip.  Enjoy!



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