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April 7, 2015

10 Quirkiest Things About Me

I’m guilty!  I haven’t blogged in a while, I know.  Please comment and yell at me.  I need to hold myself accountable and make it a weekly goal to blog!  You heard/read it here first, I will be doing this more often.  I will blog more about my goals in the upcoming weeks.

For this week I wanted to do something I have never done before.  This is the start of a journal, a place to document my life.  So here is the first installment of getting to know Jen Araya.  Drum roll please……

10 Quirkiest Things About Jen Araya

  1. I LOVE cheese
  2. I talk in my sleep in the beginning of the night
  3. I laugh at my jokes
  4. I’m clumsy & never realized it
  5. I don’t drink coffee.  Water is my coffee!
  6. No doubt, I love the beach = I love to travel
  7. I love watching reality TV, sorry, but the Kardashians are funny
  8. I tuck my pj pants into my socks during the winter so I stay warm
  9. I make up my own words and phrases, for example “pains in the asses”
  10. I answer questions with a question.  Or just say yes without really answering the questions & don’t realize it.

I can’t deny it, I sometimes live in my own world.  But I have fun and make people laugh and can lighten the mood.  It’s a talent I can’t explain, but I like to laugh and enjoy life.

Yes, all these quirks listed above are true.  I had my husband approve before posting.  I run into door knobs, or corners of tables, filing cabinets.  You know name it, I’ll run into it and have a bruise.  Or I’ll talk to my husband in the middle of the night saying “this is on top of me, I’m underneath this” talking about the body pillow I sleep with.  We all have our inside jokes and laughs as a couple.  I would love to hear yours.  Sometimes I say things and not think and laugh at myself for having a blonde moment.  It always happens when I’m talking about something serious and realize I’m having an idiot moment.

I will proudly wear my pants inside of my socks too, with a picture to prove it!

iPhone Photos

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